Friday, October 3, 2008

The familiar call...

Call comes, I am filled with a mixed bag of feelings within myself. The call I loved, The call that I am suppose to love...
I am saddened by the sad things that my dear people are facing, the usual complains, rants, irritation .. Kills me !
I am trying my best here to join strings and make a life from what the recent changes has got down my life to be, My joblessness still haunts me - with each fresh dew, my condition still remains the same, I am trying not to do the loud thinking, but is it merely that, I am not gonna get a job , ever...?
I dont know !! The loneliness, the sadness, the surrounding, the friends, the close people...everyone eludes me .... everyone and everything.
And yet I smile....
Smile when the familiar call comes, more so..give suggestions and a patient ear to their never ending problems...
Not that I am great, but being weak is not an option for me!
I cant break right now !
I cant !
I have to be stronger than my problems, I have to be !
And even if I lose my hope, all my faith , I am still gonna be the strong person and the happy person that I sound while talking on that familiar call .....

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