Sunday, October 11, 2009

200th post :)

Double a century !!

Last one was completed sitting alone - at my last house in boston! It was winter time and there I was planning some ways to make it special.

This one comes subtly. Did not even realize it , till now...

:) I am suffering from Weekenditis today. And will be lazy enough to post too much.

"S" and I have parted ways, amicably.
PARTED WAYS - Def: We will not expect a thing outta each other, and suppress a thousand feelings and a thousand questions - if it means we can avoid those tears and fights!!
Its getting way too much !! Just a little more than toooooo much. There is no end at sight. And each time the hour long discussions about how to reduce fights and blah, has brought us to a nought. Enough of all this, I say. And the only option left is , SUPPRESSION.

Of everything. Of each damn feeling.

Live and let live.

Let be. It ideally should work. Wouldn't it?


1 comment:

Pooh said...

Drum roll...
Blowing trumpets....
Bow to thee....