Thursday, July 4, 2024

Rising from the a Phoenix!

It was a great opinion piece in the Indian Express that made me wonder, at what age really will I write one? And what would I write about?

Standing on the far side of 30s, finishing over a decade in work experience, not really sure about finding the IKIGAI, older and wiser, but really any knowledge worth enough to write an opinion piece? Or the Editorial! The one that makes one awe and revere the writer, and instantly respect the brains and experience behind it? 

Would that be possible now? At this age and stage of life, where a lot of experiences gained, a lot have been forgotten, and there is always a worry about what awaits next? 

When I started this blog, the kid that I was, early 20s, so much hope, so much potential, and today, you sit and wonder where did it all go? Of course, all has not been lost. Life has not been too bad. Life has been good from certain angles. But what expertise I have gained? 

The generalist roles that I have played - or keep playing at work, the multiple hats, that does really stare back at me with the lines, jack of none! Debating this with spouse or friends brought varied form of responses - about how I am a published author now (YES!!) surely I can write about a subject, or if nothing how I can weave my travel experience (17 countries!) to perpetual words.

All said and done, all the layered thoughts aside - I have decided to write again. At least about the random things. That move me. That I do. A vlog of today's gen. Not let go off one thing that I probably enjoy. And later in the future, when life questions me like this again - what I have gained, I will talk about the pleasures of writing, sharing my thoughts, my experiences, may be not as a subject matter expert but as an observer of life passing by. 

Hopefully, I will find myself here again - writing. Very soon. Could be about my (perpetual) fitness journey, travel escapades, mid-life crisis (more than ever), my life experiences as a late-disabled (for those who may have followed me earlier, YES, that happened) or just a random good day. 

Find me here again, will you?

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